Jamison Pearl

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President's Day Craft...

Happy Friday! Hip, Hip Hooray, it's President's Day! Today I'm sharing this fun and easy President's day craft I created for my kiddos last year. This is such a fun and simple way to explain what President's Day is to your children. I've even created a simple printable document for the President's faces + I've included some simple children's poems below to help set the stage!

For Presidents' Day, render your favorite or most iconic president puppets. My favorite's include: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt, Barack Obama and President Trump - but you could render any president you like! This easy project is great for kids (but it also fun for adults... fun work break party anyone?); while they construct their presidents, you can teach them about our remarkable presidents! Throwing in fun facts that will help them remember our iconic leaders, for example: Abraham Lincoln, who wore a tall black hat, lived in a log cabin, and dedicated himself to the idea that all men are created equal! 

Which President is your favorite? Happy crafting everyone! 

xo, Kassy


What You'll Need

  • President's Printout
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Construction paper
  • Colored pencils, crayons or makers
  • Glue
  • Optional: pipe cleaners, tissue paper, dollies, cotton bolls 



The President

The President of our country

Has many jobs to do.

He gives a lot of speeches

And helps our people too. 

He leads our troops

To keep us safe and strong.

And he makes tough decisions

when problems come along. 


George Washington

I am George Washington.

Have you heard of me?

I fought in the Revolution 

And helped us to be free.

I served as the first President

and led the U.S.A

"The Father of our Country" 

is what I'm called today. 


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham, Abraham,

honest as can be.

He wore a tall, black hat,

and led our country.


Abraham, Abraham,

honest as can be. 

He lived in a log cabin,

and set the slaves free. 
